Home / School Learning Project – October Half Term

We hope the children have enjoyed learning about the Second World War over the last half term. The respect with which they have treated our visitors has made us very proud.

For their half term project we would like pupils to create their own personalised poppy for Armistice Day. They can add the names of loved ones commemorated on their poppy.

The poppy can be any size and made from any chosen material but should preferably be weatherproof. It would be helpful if the poppy could be attached to either a stick or garden twine.

We would like the poppies to commemorate relatives who lived through or fought during the Second World War and we plan to display them on the playground on the 11th of November to commemorate those that lost their lives for their country.

Please could the poppies be brought into school on Monday 11th November. Families are welcome to lay the poppies on the playground before school.

We look forward to seeing their wonderful creations.

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